Tango Blog
A New Way To Get Work Done

A New Way To Get Work Done

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What separates winning teams from the rest? 

"An organization's ability to learn, and translate that learning into action rapidly, is the ultimate competitive advantage."

Jack Welch

famed Chief Executive Officer at General Electric

In other words, efficiently transferring and activating knowledge is the best recipe for success. 

We started Tango because knowledge sharing is broken. When we launched in 2021, Tango made documentation faster and far less painful, but we knew this was only the first step to solving the problem. 

Addressing company inefficiencies caused by stale documentation, knowledge gaps, and antiquated sharing practices would require a more comprehensive solution.

The Tango you know and love

Today, more than 300k people save 3-5 hours per week using Tango to create documentation, SOPs, and how-to guides (and stop training their teams on software!). 

That's 900k-1.5M total hours per week that can be put towards higher impact work. But again, this is only step one. 

Our next chapter

Tomorrow, we’ll welcome in the next phase of Tango by releasing an entirely new way to share and activate know-how and expertise within organizations.

I am thrilled to announce the launch of Guidance, which will fundamentally transform the way people learn on the job and get work done. 

💡 What's Guidance?

Guidance turns any process you have captured with Tango into an on-screen interactive walkthrough, so you can share what you know with the people who need to know, at scale.

The observation: Wrong tool, wrong place 

In recent years, productivity and collaboration tools, such as Zoom, Notion, Loom, Guru, and Slack, have become mainstays in all of our lives. They have eased the transition to remote work and helped keep us connected. 

However, we have also developed bad habits along the way and wildly misused them.

When we’re in Get Sh*t Done Mode at work and need answers, we’re forced into a predicament. We can either plow forward and risk making a mistake, or we can stop what we’re doing to find the answer. Finding answers generally requires blindly searching a knowledge base—we don’t always know what we’re searching for—or interrupting someone who *might* have the answer by way of Zoom, Loom, and/or Slack. 

Either way, time is wasted, focus is disrupted, and mental energy is drained.

The solution: Right tool, right answers, right time 

To be clear, these tools are not to blame. We simply haven’t had access to the right solution. Until now. 

With Guidance, there is no longer a need to stop what you’re doing or interrupt your coworkers. Answers show up exactly where and when they’re needed, in the flow of work.

From frustration to focus 

The promise of documentation is to answer questions about how to get things done. Plagued by staleness, lack of context, and friction, traditional documentation and support articles often fail to deliver on this promise. 

We’ve talked with thousands of customers, and have experienced many of these challenges ourselves. We understand the frustration that comes with not having the right answers to perform your job. The explosion of tools, the pressure to cross-skill and upskill, and the rate of change across organizations and industries requires a new solution. A solution that takes the uncertainty out of work.

But this isn't just about making work easier—it's about empowering people to do their best work by helping them save mental energy and focus on what’s important. We believe that when people are given the right tools and the right environment, they can achieve incredible things. 

And that's exactly what we aim to do for our customers with Guidance.

The bottom line

Tango is designed for the people whose job it is to train, teach, and empower. 

You are the unsung heroes of every team. And while your impact is often made behind the scenes, every organization—no matter their size, resilience, or potential—will inevitably sputter to a stop without you. 

I am so excited to share the next evolution of Tango with you tomorrow, and can’t wait to see how you use it within your organizations to get sh*t done.


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