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How To Export Data from Salesforce

How To Export Data from Salesforce

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Whether you need to export reports or simply want a backup, exporting data from Salesforce is a pretty straightforward process. This blog post will show you how to export data from Salesforce in just a few simple steps. Let's get started!

What you need to know about exporting data from Salesforce

Getting stuck with exporting data from Salesforce? Learn more about the prerequisites and conditions first:

  1. You can only run an export if you're an active user.
  2. You can manually run your weekly export every seven days and your monthly report every 29 days.
  3. Phases of traffic peaks can impact your export processing time, so you should always plan enough time for your export.

Exporting backup data from Salesforce: step by step

If you want to export your backup data from Salesforce, follow this process:

  1. Export your data by going to "Setup," searching for "Data Export" in the "Quick Find" box, and selecting "Data Export." 
  2. Select either "Export Now" or "Schedule Export."
  3. Choose the encoding
  4. If you'd like to include images, documents, and attachments in your export, you can select this option.
  5. If you'd like to include Salesforce Files and Salesforce CRM Content document versions in your export, you can select this option.
  6. Choose “Replace carriage returns with spaces” if you'd rather have spaces instead of line breaks or carriage returns in your export files.
  7. If you need to schedule your export, choose the frequency, start and end date, and preferred start time.
  8. Afterward, select all relevant items you want to export. Choosing "Include all data" lets you export all data, which is recommended.
  9. Click on "Start Export" or "Save" to get the export sent to your email.

How often should you export your backup data?

How often you export your backup data from Salesforce depends on how often your data changes. If you have a static dataset that doesn't change very often, you can get away with exporting it monthly or even quarterly. But if your data constantly changes, you'll need to export it more frequently to ensure you always have an up-to-date backup. 

Depending on the size of your dataset, exporting your Salesforce data can take anywhere from a few minutes to several hours. For this reason, you should plan ahead and export your data during off-peak hours when you won't be as reliant on Salesforce.


Exporting data from Salesforce is a pretty easy process, as long as you follow these simple steps. Looking for more ways to make your work life easier? Check out our World of Workflows for some inspiration! 

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