Created with Tango Gallery

How to Export Pro UTM Data

Table of Contents
Created with Tango by:
Dan Giovacchini
Last Updated:
May 18, 2023
Use case

Uses 3 different exports to track 1) free user account creation 2) Pro upgrade and 3) any associated UTM data.

1. Go to Contacts | Tango Pro Users (Total)

2. Click on a Tango Pro Users view if you have it

Click on a Tango Pro Users view if you have it

3. To setup a Tango Pro view, Click Filters

To setup a Tango Pro view, Click Filters

4. Set f_Billing payment interval is known

Set f_Billing payment interval is known

5. Click on Actions

Click on Actions

6. Click on Export view…

Click on Export view…

7. Click on Export

Click on Export

8. Go to Production Analytics / Users

9. Set Edit Columns to include all UTM fields. Set Updated at to relevant dates.

Set Edit Columns to include all UTM fields. Set Updated at to relevant dates.

10. Click on Export

Click on Export

11. Go to Customers – Tango – Stripe

12. Click on Add Filters

Click on Add Filters

13. Click on Add Created date

Click on Add Created date

14. Click on is before or on

Click on is before or on

15. Click on Wednesday, November 30, 2022

Click on Wednesday, November 30, 2022

16. Click on Export

Click on Export

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